
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thank You Mama!!!


It is seriously almost Christmas time!!! Wow!!! I think we have like 16 days!! I can't believe the end of this year is almost here. As I sit here on this rainy day, I begin to think where this year has taken me. I never really realized how much has changed in 1 year. For example: I am now an expecting mother!!! Woo Hoo!!! Finally at the ripe old age of 27!! Also, I have changed jobs, my best friend has welcomed a precious baby girl into this world, we have made changes in our house, etc.

One thing that I am truly blessed for this year is my mother. Now, I love my daddy as well, but this year really tested my mom. In February, she was hospitalized for strep-pneumonia. She was on a ventilator to breath for 15 days. She was altogether hospitalized for 23. We almost lost her several times and those days were the longest days of my life!!!! I don't know if you realize it or not, but my mama is very important to me. After dealing with the initial shock of my mom being so sick and then having the Dr. come in and say we could lose her, my world flipped. WHAT?? I am only 26 and I need my mama!! I have so many things I want to tell her, so many things I want to experience with her.

This experience really had me praying to God. I went to the chapel and got down on my knees and prayed to God!! I told him over and over again, please do not think I am selfish, but God I got to have my mama!!!! Everyday and every chance we all had we were at that hospital!! Never ever did we give up hope. To spare the details, I seen and witnessed things there I will never ever forget!! Within all this I learned that those we love the most at times we take advantage of. I also hope and pray that when my baby arrives I can be half the mom to it that mine has been to me!!

This year has changed me. I am so thankful for my mama!! I am also thankful for everyone else around me. It is amazing how only 365 days of life have made an impact on me forever. I cannot wait to see what 2009 has in store for me!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So.....guess what this is??? It is our little gummy bear!!! I started some bleeding yesterday and they asked me to come in. I was very willing since I was sort of freaking out. We got an ultrasound done and it was amazing!! I am 7 weeks and 5 days. However, the ultrasound had the baby measuring at 8 weeks and 1 day. This put my due date around July 1st. So we shall see. The heartbeat was 156. Seeing my baby and hearing the heart beat was the best thing ever. Everything seems real now. I am still on cloud 9! The ultrasound tech kept calling it a "he" and our little gummy bear. She said that is about what it looks like now. We'll I love my little gummy bear and I am very excited to see it!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So.... I am going to be a mommy!!! Kevin and I are going to be parents. We initially were told we were due June 25th. However, now the Dr. said we are due July 3rd. Either way or whatever date is fine with me. We are both so very excited. We went for an ultrasound last Tuesday and everything was fine. We didnt get to see much since I am still a little early. I go back November 26th!! I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The weekend review...

This weekend was wild!! We had Ole Miss game Saturday. It was a great day for Kevin and I to spend time together. We both love Ole Miss very much! Hotty Toddy!!

Also, Saturday night we had a baby shower for one of my highschool friends. It was great to catch up on current events in our lives.

Sunday, family renuion we had. It wasn't the best, but showed up and did the fake happy time face. Played with sweet Aubrie Grace who is in the picture.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


So, we all know what this is. It is a picture of snakes. Yes, lots of snakes. Hint plural word with -s at the end. Let me tell you why this post and a little history. I am not very fond of snakes. I am more scared of frogs though. I can handle snakes as long as I can see them. I will kill them in a second. Might be illegal, but oh well!
Anyways, this afternoon, Kevin was out playing golf with the guys. I was picking up outside just minding my own business. Well we have a 4-wheeler parked by our house. I was over there cleaning up and picked up a towel. On the ground was what I though was like fifty-million snakes!!!! They were RIGHT THERE!!! YUCK!! I stood there and remained calm. As, they began to scurry away, I noticed there were only 4!! YES, ONLY 4!! They then crawled through the lattice, and into a vent. Guess were the vent went??
You guessed it! UNDER my house!!! Now, there are four snakes under my house!! Two of them were little, but two were like 3ft+ long! I immediately called Kevin. I was freaking out!! What if they get in my house? I feel icky all over now!! Needless to say, tomorrow I am calling Terminex and seeing what they can do. We are also putting poison of some sort. I have to have them out!! So...pray for me tonight as I "try" to sleep with the thought of snakes under my house!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bring on Fall!!

Yesterday, I got in the attic and got the fall stuff down. I was sooooo excited!! I get excited when it gets this time of year. We go fall and then right into Christmas! The weather is wonderful here. I love it as well.

This time of year also bring many fun activities. We have weddings, football, family time and more football. I seriously can't think of one person that does not love this time of year. The leaves turn colors and fall off. It just all makes for pretty scenery and pretty pictures!

Anyways, I am very up in odds about this election. I wanted John Edwards from the beginning, but now...that is out. I have never been either Democratic or Republican. I just vote for whose ideas I fill lead. I am a very firm advocate in voting!! PLEASE do it!! You have the right. Anyways, I am just torn. They both have some good points. I like Palin a lot, however, I don't care to much for McCain. I feel we need someone younger in office to help us younger folks out. I also, like some of the ideas Obama has to say. Yes, I said like. I love the zero to five plan they have going on. It starts children receiving educational help at the earliest possible.

I am struggling. Hopefully the debate coming up at "OLE MISS" will help me out. In the mean time....I am off to continue thinking about this.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well, here we go.

It has been awhile since my last post. I am just used to reading blogs and not typing one. I am going to try to make a better habit of it.

In my last post I was discussing something that were ticking me off. Well alot has happened since my last post. I had some female issues and had surgery on July 7th. I had lots of polyups removed from several places. After surgery, I was told that they were what has caused me not to be able to get pregnant. I guess this explains my problem. So, this month is my first normal cycle. Hopefully after all of this I can have a baby. A good summer baby would be wonderful.

The weather here is yucky! It is raining and just blah! I am so ready for Fall. College football has already started. This makes me excited!!! I love this time of year and it is almost here!!! Yay!! Come on fall!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday is the 2nd day of the week.

I am a teacher and off all summer. Is seems exciting but there is so much today. My good friends dad passed away so I have the funeral stuff. I also have my Gradndaddy's "Surprise" 80th birthday party Thursday night. I cannot believe my Grandaddy is gonna be 80!! I love that man!!

I have a few things to say today.

1.) What do you have to do to get someone to answer emails or voice messages. For about two weeks I have been calling several different places wanting to speak to people. I have done everything to get contact with them. Guess what nothing?!!! Do not have email or voice mail if you can't freaking call back or respond.

2.) I wanna also say something that I hope does not offend people. First of all, I have been happily married for almost two years. I dated my husband since November of 2000. He is my everything. We have ben wanting a baby. Anyone else feel this with me? We have been "trying" but not making it a job since October of 2007. We have had no luck. It seems everyone I know is getting prego. A friend of mine who doesn't need any kids has three. She got pregnant and lost it, then is pregnant again. I am like WTF?? Why can I not have one?? I am financially capable and everything. I wanna baby!!!

Sorry to vent, but I feel better! Have a wonderful Tuesday!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My First Time

Hello Bloggers,

I am a beginner at all of this. I am 26, married to my best friend Kevin. We have no children, but hopefully one day will. I live in Ripley, Tn. I do not like it here, but it is the place my husband calls home. I have a dog, Cooper. He is a Border Collier. I have a white cat named Charlie. We also have lots of fish. I love shopping, however I am a bargain shopper. We both like sports! We love Ole Miss Football!! Go Rebels! We love Nascar and differ as to who we cheer for. I guess it is a house divided there. My husband and I both graduated from the University of Memphis. We are both teachers, which means.....low funds! Anyways, enough about me for now. Hope to talk to you all soon with more interesting topics.