So.... it has been a little bit since I last updated. Everything has been going well with the pregnancy. On Monday, June 15th I got switched to heparin, so I can have an epidural. On Tuesday, June 16th, I went to the OB. He told me I had dialted to 1 and scheduled me to be induced on the 25th. That is a special day for our family. It is my paw paws birthday, who passed away in 2001 from cancer. That means, from today I have 8 days until I meet my princess!!! We cannot wait. I go back to the Dr. on 23rd and he wants to me to be dialted more. I stared walking this morning to possibly help progress that.
It is all overwhelming and exciting. I am very excited and so ready to meet her. Kevin and I's life is about to change forever!!!! In 8 days it will no longer be Kevin and Kim. WOW!!! It has been this away for such a long time. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that I dialate more and that everything goes well the 25th!!